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CS242. Algorithms and Data Structures
Весенний семестр
Фундаментальная информатика и ИТ
Organization matters
Organization matters
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Examination questions
Announcements and useful information
Lecture 01. Introduction to the course
Lecture 02. Sorting algorithms.
Assignment 1
Sample source file for assignment 1
A series of short lectures about implementing dynamic linked lists in C++ (and C).
Lecture 03. Graphs: definifions, representations, basic operations on graphs.
Lecture 04. Graph traversals, part 1
Lecture 05. Graph traversals, part 2
Assignment 2. Graph traversals
Test data for assignment 2
Text file input/output sample
Sample code/project for parsing string lines and implementing DFS/BFS
Lecture 06. Graph traversals, part 3
Test 1 (online)
Test 1
Lecture 07. Greedy algorithms, part 1: concepts, MST, Kruskal
Lecture 08. Greedy algorithms, part 2: MST, Prim's algorithm
Lecture 09. Divide-and-Conquer strategy. MergeSort
Assignment 3. Merge sort.
Lecture 10. Divide-and-Conquer. Multiplication
Assignment 4. Fast exponentiation
Test 2 (online)
Test 2
Lecture 11. Dynamic programming: general concepts and scheme
Lecture 12. Edit Distance, the Longest Common Subsequence
Assignment 5. Edit distance
Test 3 (online)
Test 3
Lecture 13. NP-hard problems (concept). Travelling Salesman Problem
Assignment 6. Brute-force algorithm for TSP
Test data for assignment 6
Lecture 14. Inexact algorithms
Test 4 (online)
Test 4
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