Lesson #1. Programming on c sharp in Microsoft Visual Studio
Требуемые условия завершения
Открыто с: среда, 17 января 2024, 00:00
Срок сдачи: четверг, 20 февраля 2025, 23:59
Read the rules for performing tasks first.
Theory and tasks for this lesson you will find here: https://labs-org.ru/
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/
After you complete the task, don't forget to upload your files here, into the moodle system. 2 points are maximum for the lesson.
Lab 0: 0.2 points
Lab 1: 0.2 points
Task 1: 0.4 points
Lab 2: 0.3 points
Task 2: 0.3 points
Task 3: 0.4 points
Lab 3: 0.2 points
The lesson will be closed for uploading from 21 of February